About Us

At That’ll Do Coffee Company, we believe in honesty, quality and the best overall coffee experience we can create.

We aim to provide simple labels, getting you the basics of what to expect - while providing easy access to dive into further details of the bean and the farms they come from and support.

We strive for, and chase quality. Something that gets you excited, yet feels like home in every sip.

We also hope to engage our community. We want to create a shared experience. A space to connect, share ideas of how you brew, what you taste, what your experience is like, and what you’re looking for in your next cup.

This is our opinion of coffee - it’s simple, yet complicated. It’s art, and it’s science. It’s hot and it’s cold. There are so many levels, coffee can’t ever be fully nailed down on its own. And even if it could, why would you keep it to yourself rather than share your perfect cup with other like-minded coffee lovers?

Come along and grow with us - That’ll Do Coffee Company.

Enjoy honest coffee.

Mark Gale
Owner & Roaster

London, ON

Logo design by Justin Cox @jpcox001